



Tesco Cookery Schools

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Tesco Cookery Schools

The Campaign

To tackle the huge issue of food waste mountains! So much food is thrown away every year because people no longer think about using left overs as the basis for another meal. In all, a massive 18 million tons of food ends up in landfill.

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Tesco started addressing the food waste problem a long time before it became ‘fashionable’ and hitting headlines. Chef Jamie Oliver and charity Food Share were as equally passionate about saving unnecessary waste and making delicious meals out of it. Together they became the Tesco CommunityCookery Schools.

It was our job to pull together community cooks from allover the UK - the amazing people who make food for the homeless, elderly and disadvantaged - and get them excited about this fantastic new project. We got 1,000 of them together online.

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Our community cooks took part in the free online workshops armed with Jamie Oliver recipes to help them better understand nutrition and, importantly, reduce the amount of food that went straight in the bin.

We also managed to spread the love online, getting more than 1,000 people talking in the official Facebook group, exchanging experiences and sharing tips and tricks on how to use up all those lovely leftovers.

This was a hugely successful campaign and one that we are very proud to have been a part of.

Superdrug Presents 2023


We also managed to spread the love online, getting over 1,000 people talking in the official Facebook group, exchanging experiences and sharing tips and tricks on how to use up all those lovely leftovers.

This was a hugely successful campaign and one that we are very proud to have been a part of.

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Coca-Cola Truck 2023
Superdrug Presents 2023
Superdrug Presents 2023
Superdrug Presents 2023

The Numbers