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N2O Insights

Reasons why Digital Marketing is for everyone.

As a digital marketer, it’s literally in my job description to champion everything digital. But I’m on a mission to tell everyone why this kind of marketing is King. So here are four reasons for anyone who cares to read why I (and many other digital enthusiasts) love and won’t shut up about digital.

Blend reality with virtual with the heroes of digital - AR, VR and Video Mapping.

You’ve heard it before, so I’ll keep it short. AR, VR, and video mapping are true game changers for all forms of campaigns.

Don’t have enough space for your experience or branding? Not a problem. Any of these approaches delivers immersive, interactive, and unforgettable experiences while creating the space for you. Whether transporting customers to virtual worlds, overlaying digital content onto reality, or transforming surfaces into dynamic displays, these technologies are genuinely fun to interact with and are only limited by imagination.

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay.

I could very easily go down a rabbit hole of how AI is here to stay and that it’s a great thing. It’s revolutionising and supporting all forms of functions, such as medical practices, video game development, marketing strategy, education, entertainment and so forth.

But how can it support your customers and your brand?

This is a wider topic for another time, but AI is excellent at identifying trends, data capture, and analysis, and with this alone, we can achieve so much. We can create personalised content for customers, develop AI-specific chatbots or other supportive tools, and real-time interactive displays that change based on demographics, customer density, and sales. Much like most things in digital, we’re only just scratching the surface of how we can use AI tools, so the sky’s the limit on what we can do with it in the future.

Digital is more than just eco-friendly.

A factor that hugely attracts me to digital is how leveraging digital solutions is essential for achieving sustainability—which is excellent for the environment and helps organically promote brand loyalty. Digital experiences, or experiences supported by digital, can help reduce waste by lowering your print needs. Not to mention, digital experiences can be achieved globally through the web, offering significantly better reach (especially when complemented with a touch of social marketing).

Digital and social are besties, not co-workers.

I distinctly remember a time when social and influencer marketing were seen as subsets of digital marketing. Today, they stand as two distinct, complex forms of marketing—a shift I fully support. Digital marketing covers both offline and online efforts, while social marketing is exclusively online—this isn’t a bad thing at all when you consider that in 2024, over five billion people will be using social media. I believe that every digital experience should be accompanied by a robust social strategy to capitalise on that brilliant reach.  

“Rrr,” said the pirate - for Results, Reach and ROI.

On a serious note, the reach that digital marketing offers is one of the main reasons you should consider incorporating it into your strategies. Digital applications can instantly reach a global audience, providing precise targeting through data analytics. Unlike traditional methods, digital marketing is both cost-effective and scalable.

The digital market is vast and continues to outshine conventional marketing. We've already mentioned that five billion people use social media, but did you know that 3.6 billion people engage in gaming? Plus, retail loyalty apps have millions of daily users, showcasing the power of digital applications that require minimal maintenance.

These advantages and the vast market make digital marketing the most efficient and effective way to connect and engage with your audience.


That sums it up for today, folks. If you are still not convinced, reach out to me at rubens.pereira@n2o.co.uk and let’s see what we can do for you with digital.

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The End
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